I am available to see you face to face at my office, by telephone or Skype.
I also offer group supervision (2 to 6 people per group).
I achieved my Diploma in Clinical Supervision in 2011. The supervisees I have worked with – trainee, newly-qualified and experienced counsellors and therapists – have been based in schools, colleges, higher education, youth work settings and private practice. I have also supervised practitioners working in the broader helping professions, e.g. social workers, teachers (including SLT, pastoral staff and SENDCOs) youth workers, advice workers and a manager of a student welfare department.
As a supervisor I provide what Page and Wosket called the Space (in their Cyclical Model).
“This is the heart of the supervision process, the part of supervision in which reflection, exploration, recognition, insight and understanding can all occur.” (1994:103).
I trained as an Integrative Supervisor, appreciating the myriad theoretical ways one can work with and help clients to achieve their therapeutic goals. My style is less approach-specific, while keeping faithful to the core conditions of the Person-Centred Approach (PCA) as a foundation.
Below describes my philosophy of practice as a clinical supervisor.
“The function of the supervisor...is to create the atmosphere that will enable the supervisee to find his or her own style of being a therapist. By doing so the supervisor also models the growth-promoting environment of congruence, acceptance and empathy.” (Bowen 1986:296)
Bowen, M. (1986) ‘Personality Differences and Person-Centred Supervision’, Person-Centred Review, Vol 1, No.3, 291-309.
Page, S and Woskett, V (1994) Supervising the Counsellor. A Cyclical Model (2nd edition). East Sussex, Routledge.